Sermon for Trinity 18
Sung Eucharist, Christchurch Priory, 15th October 2006
Amos 5.7-7, 10-15; Heb 4.12-end; Mark 10.17-31
Sometimes we don’t want to hear the answers to the questions we know we’ve got to ask.
Sung Eucharist, Christchurch Priory, 15th October 2006
Amos 5.7-7, 10-15; Heb 4.12-end; Mark 10.17-31
Sometimes we don’t want to hear the answers to the questions we know we’ve got to ask.
2nd Sunday Service, Parish of Christchurch, 8th October 2006
Genesis 12: 1-4a; John 20:19-29
What do we mean when we say ‘I believe’?