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Sermon for Second Sunday before Lent

Think of the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to. Now that place is part of creation. And Paul is saying that it’s made in Christ, through Christ and for Christ. And you and I part of that creation too. Which means that you and I are created in Christ, through Christ and for Christ.

Sermon for Advent 3

Are you comfortable with the notion of being a witness to Jesus? Especially after the last nine months of the pandemic that have been so gruelling. For my part, I know that I’m meant to say, yes, let’s go for it! But in truth, I’m a little bit hesitant about it. My reaction is more like, well, that’s a jolly interesting idea, let me think about it and I’ll drop you an email some time…

Sermon for Trinity 11

So they’d shut down our primary place of worship. No longer were we able to gather and be in the presence of God. In fact, not only that, we were turfed out. Forced to live in a strange new world, one that was deeply disorientating. This is the new normal, some said.

Sermon for Lent 3

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory, 15 March 2020. This was part of a series of sermons where the vicar asked those who regularly preach… Read More »Sermon for Lent 3

Sermon for Trinity 7

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory, 4th August 2019 Ecclesiastes 1.2,12-14; 2.18-23Colossians 3.1-11Luke 12.13-21 It happens all too often, sadly. There’s been a family falling… Read More »Sermon for Trinity 7

Sermon for Lent 4

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory, 10th February 2019 Isaiah 6.1-end1 Corinthians 15.1-11Luke 5.1-11 Good morning everybody. I was going to start with a question… Read More »Sermon for Lent 4

Sermon for Advent 2

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory

It’s God who graciously makes the first move and comes to us. No matter the mess we’ve made of things.

Sermon for Trinity 14

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory

My non-Christian friends and family are not stupid. When they see me behaving like this, they rightly question the beliefs I hold.

Sermon for Trinity 5

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory

‘Having faith in Jesus is what it’s all about. But it’s not something that comes easily to us— most of us, at any rate.’

Sermon for Trinity 2

Evensong, Christchurch Priory, 24th June 2007

I wish someone back then had asked me to describe the God I didn’t believe in.

Sermon for Trinity 18

Sung Eucharist, Christchurch Priory, 15th October 2006

Amos 5.7-7, 10-15; Heb 4.12-end; Mark 10.17-31 

Sometimes we don’t want to hear the answers to the questions we know we’ve got to ask.

Sermon for Trinity 17

2nd Sunday Service, Parish of Christchurch, 8th October 2006

Genesis 12: 1-4a; John 20:19-29

What do we mean when we say ‘I believe’?

Sermon for Lent 2

Evensong, Christchurch Priory

Jeremiah 22; Luke 14

In January for the Bournemouth Churches Housing Association we raised £400+. I was struck by an incongruity. This is the warmest building I know of in Christchurch. Here we have a warm building with the gates shut at night to keep those who are cold out.