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Sermon for Trinity 11

So they’d shut down our primary place of worship. No longer were we able to gather and be in the presence of God. In fact, not only that, we were turfed out. Forced to live in a strange new world, one that was deeply disorientating. This is the new normal, some said.

Making space

How will we reply to the greatest invitation of all this Christmas? This is a time of year when we often find ourselves needing to… Read More »Making space

Sermon for Trinity 7

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory, 4th August 2019 Ecclesiastes 1.2,12-14; 2.18-23Colossians 3.1-11Luke 12.13-21 It happens all too often, sadly. There’s been a family falling… Read More »Sermon for Trinity 7

All aboard!

What the story of SS Uganda can teach us about what it means to be the church. Christchurch Parish News, July 2019 Back in the… Read More »All aboard!

Sermon for Lent 4

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory, 10th February 2019 Isaiah 6.1-end1 Corinthians 15.1-11Luke 5.1-11 Good morning everybody. I was going to start with a question… Read More »Sermon for Lent 4

Living together in unity

Christchurch Parish News, January 2019

A reflection on Psalm 133 as we prepare for the week of dedicated prayer for Christian unity.

Sermon for Advent 2

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory

It’s God who graciously makes the first move and comes to us. No matter the mess we’ve made of things.

Darkness to Light

Christchurch Parish News, December 2018

A personal reflection on the hope of Christmas, even when times are difficult.

King of Hope

Christchurch Parish News, November 2018

What does Christ’s Kingship mean for us today?

Reflecting the Light of God

Christchurch Parish News, September 2018

What do we mean when we say we believe in God as described in the Bible?

Sermon for Trinity 5

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory

‘Having faith in Jesus is what it’s all about. But it’s not something that comes easily to us— most of us, at any rate.’

What do we believe?

Christchurch Parish News, July 2018

A new report reveals striking insights into the range of different beliefs within any UK church. What does this mean for us?

Does the Trinity really matter?

Christchurch Parish News, June 2018

If it were not for the Trinity, we would not know what it means to pray as Christians

Lost in the clouds?

Christchurch Parish News, May 2018.

The importance of the Ascension when proclaiming Jesus is Lord.

Let down your ropes

Christchurch Parish News, April 2018

An Easter reflection on Jesus’ healing of the paralysed man.