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Jonah’s god and the God of Israel

Christchurch Parish News, March 2017

In this penultimate reflection on the story of Jonah, I explore what lies at the heart of Jonah’s anger towards God.

All shall be well

Christchurch Parish News, December 2016

As we begin the second half of the story of Jonah, what does this turning point have to tell us about the character of God?

The Depths of Prayer

Christchurch Parish News, September 2016

As we reach the turning point of chapters one and two of the book of Jonah, what does the story so far have to teach us about prayer?

Identity crisis

Christchurch Parish News, July 2016

If someone were to ask you, ‘Who are you?’, how would you answer?

What were the odds …?

Christchurch Parish News, June 2016

Next time we have a major decision to make in the parish, shall we pray earnestly and then dispense with the vote and instead flip a coin?