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Sermon for Trinity 11

So they’d shut down our primary place of worship. No longer were we able to gather and be in the presence of God. In fact, not only that, we were turfed out. Forced to live in a strange new world, one that was deeply disorientating. This is the new normal, some said.

Sermon for Trinity 14

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory

My non-Christian friends and family are not stupid. When they see me behaving like this, they rightly question the beliefs I hold.

Out of the ordinary

Christchurch Parish News, August 2018

A reflection on the calendars we follow to structure our lives and why there is nothing ‘ordinary’ about this time of the church year.

Sermon for Trinity 5

Sung Eucharist and Matins, Christchurch Priory

‘Having faith in Jesus is what it’s all about. But it’s not something that comes easily to us— most of us, at any rate.’

Does the Trinity really matter?

Christchurch Parish News, June 2018

If it were not for the Trinity, we would not know what it means to pray as Christians